Saturday, 2 January 2016

Product Manager vs UX Manager

Product Manager vs UX Lead / Manager?

"I read the news today, oh boy... ,, - the Beatles

From my experience... Product Manager's (PM) job can be divided in practise into two different roles, "personalities" or talents whatsoever. First, you have blank paper or vague idea then starting to concept & specificy and finally to develop the product and go-to-market.

Comparison: UX leader thinks the "artistic" and "creative" side of the product: how does look like, what's the functionality and overall user experience in various touch points. S/he's kind of "architect of the overall product offering".

To simplify; PMs are protecting & launching the creative work of UX managers.

Extremely simplified: UX managers design WHAT people get and Product Managers handle HOW people get that...